Cosecure boluses contain a unique form of rumen-available ionic copper.
Let’s find out a bit more about why this is significant.


Is All Copper The Same And Are All Boluses The Same?

The critical difference between Cosecure and other nutritional supplements is that Cosecure supplies rumen-available elements.

The copper in our unique boluses is in the form of ionic copper, which is active in the same pH range as the rumen. This means that the minerals are highly available to the animals in the rumen.

Some boluses supply copper in the form of Copper Oxide. Copper Oxide is active at much lower pH levels, and requires exposure to abomasal acidity before release of the copper.

Why does it matter if the elements are rumen available?

The cow will ingest molybdenum and sulphur through its diet. Molybdenum and sulphur bind together to form something called Thiomolybdate. Thiomolybdate is very ‘copper-hungry’. It binds with copper in the rumen and when there is no copper left in the rumen, it moves into the bloodstream and binds to the copper-co-dependent enzymes there.

These enzymes are vital for fertility and productivity. When the molybdenum and sulphur combination (thiomolybdate) binds with these copper enzymes in the blood, they are rendered inactive, so fertility and productivity are impaired. Some farmers will know this as ‘copper lock’ or ‘secondary copper deficiency’. We know it as TMT (or thiomolybdate toxicity).

To stop ‘copper lock’ or ‘TMT’ occurring, we need to stop the molybdenum and sulphur combination (thiomolybdate), from moving out of the rumen and into the bloodstream. The only way to do this is to supply enough copper in the rumen to satisfy the thiomolybdate’s ‘copper hunger’.

Because Cosecure’s copper is rumen-available, it is able to do this. It supplies copper in the rumen continuously for up to 6 months, meaning the thiomolybdate doesn’t pass into the blood in search of more copper; it doesn’t bind with the blood’s copper-dependent enzymes and it therefore doesn’t impair fertility and productivity.

The boluses also contain rumen-available ionic cobalt. Why is it important that the boluses also supply rumen-available cobalt?

Unlike cobalt-oxide boluses, the Cosecure boluses supply ionic cobalt which is rumen-available.

Bacteria in the rumen require cobalt in order to synthesize Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is vital for energy utilisation and productivity. The body has no capacity to store cobalt, so Cosecure’s ability to continually supply rumen-available cobalt for up to 6 months is ideal for improving cobalt supply and promoting health in cattle.

What other factors affect that fertility, immunity, thrive and productivity?

Lots of factors! Fertility, immunity, thrive and productivity are extremely complex issues with many causes and it is important to always consult a vet and understand your herd’s nutritional status before using any boluses, medicines or other nutritional products. For more information on the bolus range, contact your vet.



Available for cattle, sheep and lambs

  • check1IONIC COBALT
  • check1SELENIUM
  • check1IONIC COPPER


Available for cattle and sheep

  • check1IONIC COBALT
  • check1SELENIUM
  • check1IONIC COPPER
  • check1IODINE


Available for sheep

  • check1IONIC ZINC
  • check1SELENIUM
  • check1IONIC COBALT
  • check1IODINE